Bliss Kid Yoga is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit dedicated to nurturing community health and wellness by providing both free and affordable yoga and mindfulness programs for children, families and educators. Bliss Kid Yoga specializes in trauma-informed programs for under-served populations including children and families who are survivors of abuse, children with exceptionalities, English language learners, economically challenged families and more.
We are a nonprofit based in Austin, Texas + DFW with virtual offerings for our worldwide community.
We are a traveling yoga studio-we bring the yoga to you!
Mailing Address. 2110 W Slaughter Lane STE 107 #259, Austin, Tx 78748
Through community donations, business sponsorships and grant support we are able to provide quality wellness offerings.
Trauma-Informed Practices
We believe that being trauma-informed is to be human-informed. The way children interact with the world around them can be a response to childhood trauma. Trauma affects everyone, either directly or indirectly. As an organization and individuals, it is paramount for us to operate as though there might be the possibility of trauma. This means not just in our yoga classes but in our everyday interactions changing our view and opening to possibilities in order to act with understanding, acknowledgment and respect.
BKY is proud to be an inclusive organization that empowers children through trauma-informed practices. These practices include choice based experiences, inclusive language, language that invites not commands, opportunities for present moment awareness, healthy attachment, focus on agency, intersectional curriculum and teaching lens, and more.
To learn about being trauma-informed consider our 1 hour self-paced virtual training, Trauma-Informed Language.