Thank you to all of our partners, sponsors, donors, and friends who support Bliss Kid Yoga! Your support is much appreciated and we could not provide free and affordable services to the community without you!
Wellness Warriors: $20,000-$29,999
FLASHBACK 2019 FUNdraiser Presented By Strub Residential
FLASHBACK 2020 Fundraiser Presented by Strub Residential and Austin Title
Mindfulness Masters: $10,000-$19,999
Peace Making Pioneers: $5,000-$9,999
Conscious Collaborators: $2,000-$4,999
Wells Fargo Financial Advisors: Steve Franco
Healthy Heros: Up to $1,999
Beth Thompson/Cornerstone Mortgage
Program Partners:
Austin Independent School District
Children’s Discovery Center South
Community Leaders:
Aaron Mayes, Abdiel Yescas, Alexandra Alexander, Alicia Willison, Amee and Brent Baker, Amrit Saini, Ashley Anderson, Beata Domagala, Bill Richards, Bryan Daigle, Bryan Knudsvig, Caitlin Campbell, Candice Lopez, Carol Cinque, Carol Vanderhoff, Cathy and Chuck Kline, Charlie and Katherine Banker, Charlie and Marcie Rice, Chesley Roberts, Christine Landry, Cole Brown, Cristal Glangchai, Cynthia Bernard, David Williams, Davvi Chrzastek, Debbie Banker, Deborah Okeefe, Denise Martinez-Rivas, Derrick Ellis, Doyla Burrell, Elizabeth Jameson, Eric Pugatch, Erica Hansen, Erinda Martin, Gary Walker, Hannah Reed, Heather Pietrzak, Holee and Family, Jeff Chester, Jenaro Diaz, Jillian Ardoin, Jim Rice, Joshua and Deb Peterson, Justyn LeFebvre, Kaitlin Dailey, Katherine Vining, Kevin Haynes, Kirill Gillespie, Kitty Woo Ham, Kristina Roberson, Lisa Skalla, Marika and Richard Veregge, Marjorie Dauster, Mark Strub, Melissa Jones, Michael Taylor, Mindy Stoddart, Nanette LaBastida, Nichole Buechler, Nichole Crosson, Patrick Sarb, Rachael Erickson, Randi Sather, Ron Sattar, Sally Zaleski, Sara Annear, Sarah Lewis, Saurabh Garg, Shalyn Shanks, Shawn Nunnally, Sierrah Wilson, Spencer Holbert, Stephanie Draeger, Stephanie Rehak, Steve Kluchin, Stewart Lane, Susan Ardi, Teresa Powers, Terra Nuss, Theresa Domingues, Tonya Banker, and Vikki Tippins.
In Kind Donors:
HEB, NOOMA, The W, ACL Live, Atma’s Offerings, Sweet Ritual, Austin Zoo, Pink Avocado, JuiceLand, Mighty Fine, Enlightened Baby, Rudy’s, Chad W Adams Photography, Modo Yoga, ABC’s of Yoga for Kids, Alamo Drafthouse, Book People, HEB, SuperFunYogaPants, Half-Price Books, Thunder Cloud Subs, Pinthouse Pizza, Maudie’s, Kerbey Lane Cafe, Love Your Yoga, Carmen Buck Photography, Amy’s Icecreams, ABGB, Michael’s, Springdale Farm, Radiant Child Yoga, Chakra Kids Yoga, Taco Deli, Texas Coffee Traders, Mae-Mae Designs, Live, Love, Relax, Homeslice Pizza, Prep to Your Door, Wild Heart Yoga, Bearded Brothers Bars and more!