Hello Friends!
We are excited to announce that Bliss Kid Yoga will be offering a free family yoga class at Springdale Farm this Fall. The class is open to young children of all abilities and their family. Weekly attendance is not required but encouraged. The goal of this program is to empower families and promote community health and wellness by nourishing mind, body and soul!

What is family empowerment? Why is it important? How does yoga promote family empowerment? Family yoga promotes positive bonding experiences, authentic play, cooperative strategies, self-soothing techniques, promotes confidence in both caregiver and child and gives families the tools to be happy and healthy! One of the main benefits of family yoga is family empowerment. The goal of family empowerment is to give parents the tools and confidence to advocate for their family and make healthy decisions. Empowering families enables them to thrive without the dependence of life-long support. This will help carry them through hard-times and promote the overall health and wellness of all family members for generations to come.

How can you help support this program?
-Attend! The more the merrier!
-Share the program information with others
-Donate through our GoFundMe Campaign
-Learn more about program goals at www.gofundme.com/familyyogafund
-Like and share posts about the program and ways to donate

Where does your donation go? 100% of funding will go towards a weekly yoga series for families, fair pay for yoga teachers, supplies, mats, community outreach, support services, program research, data collection, curriculum writing and more. We hope to raise funding by December 2016 in order to support this program in 2017.

Thank you! We are honored to serve the community and grateful for your support!

With Gratitude, 
Executive Director, Katherine Banker  and The Bliss Kid Yoga Family