Mandalas are a beautiful way to introduce and share meditation with your children.
Mandala is loosely translated to mean “circle”. But it is a lot more then just a circle. A mandala represents unity, wholeness and even life itself. When I look at a mandala I see it as parts that make up the whole of my life and as it grows I see beyond my life to the farthest corner of the world, the universe and all living creatures, nature and humanity. It reminds me of my connection to everyone and everything and all the tiniest bits that work together. It is a beautiful work of art that to me symbolizes unity (yoga) and reminds us that we are all citizens of the world.
You can draw or color your own mandala. There are a lot of websites that offer free coloring book printables. Concentrate on the center. Let it help you to focus and quiet your mind and naturally calm your senses. While creating your mandala turn on soothing music and encourage a quiet and calm atmosphere. Make sure to allot a generous amount of time so that your children do not feel rushed to finish. This should be a leisurely activity where kids are encouraged to take their time. Often the atmosphere naturally becomes relaxing and children tend to methodically create and color. The room quiets on it’s own. What a beautiful thing! After you create your mandalas display them throughout your house and encourage your children to return to them when stressed. Make this area a comfortable place where their mandala is displayed at eye level.