With COVID-19 and the closure of schools and businesses many of us are at home trying to figure out this new normal while balancing work, kids, health, finances and our sanity. Here are a few ways to engage with your family in a meaningful and fun way. For more in this series click here.

Little Sprouts

by BKY teacher and volunteer Maria Ragozina

Idea: This is a simple and fun way for kids to learn gardening and nutrition. Kids tend to like veggies more if they are involved in growing greens and preparing meals. 

Sprout whole beans, seeds or grains. The easiest and cheapest way to add fresh greens to your salad is to sprout WHOLE beans (like kidney beans, black eyed peas, chickpeas, moong beans) or seeds (sunflower seeds with shell) or WHOLE grains (barley, wheat, kamut, farro, spelt).

Simply spread the seeds on the ground in your backyard or in a pot on your patio or balcony. Water the seeds so that the soil stays damp. In about a week small shoots will start coming up. When the sprouts are 2 inches tall, cut the green stems off with scissors leaving the root in the ground. Some sprouts will regrow multiple times! Eat the sprouts right away in your green salad 🙂

Materials: whole seeds, top soil, pot (can be a recycled plastic container or old cooking pot).

Options: Kids may be responsible for watering the seeds, harvesting the sprouts and making salad.

If you feel moved to support our offerings please text BKY to 41444.

The mission of Bliss Kid Yoga is very close to my heart: to nurture community health and wellness by providing both free and affordable yoga and mindfulness programs for children and families, including children and families who are survivors of abuse, children with exceptionalities, English language learners, economically challenged families and more.

Maria Ragozina